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Secuela is Spanish for "sequel," meaning next step. North East Texas Tres Dias hosts Secuelas after each set of our Tres Dias weekends plus at other times.  Secuelas are a great chance to connect with others in the NETTD community.  Secuelas are also a fantastic opportunity to let the incoming rector know that you would like to serve on their team for the upcoming weekend. Each Secuela will include a potluck meal, a time of praise and worship, and a talk where someone shares the impact that their Tres Dias weekend had on their life. 

Tres Dias Class

The Tres Dias Essentials class is offered at each Secuela after a Tres Dias weekend.  The Essentials are elements that MUST be adhered to for us to continue to keep our Tres Dias charter, but the Essentials are good, time-tested practices that make a Tres Dias weekend so impactful.  Everyone MUST attend an Essentials class to serve on a Tres Dias weekend.  Cost for the class is $5 to cover materials.

Our Next Secuela!

The next Secuela will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024 beginning at 12 PM at Woodland Hills Baptist Church,2105 E Loop 281, Longview, TX 75605. The Secuela is open to the entire family.  At noon we will begin with a potluck lunch followed by worship music, a Fourth Day talk to remind remind us of the impact Tres Dias can have upon the life of a Christian, and a short business meeting where we will elect a President, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary. An Essentials of Tres Dias Class will be held starting at 10 AM for those who have not had the class and want to serve on a weekend